Dialectical Bias Detector
Beyond Just Facts

In a world where facts can be twisted and manipulated, Dialexity’s Bias Detector is designed to help you distinguish between constructive insights and destructive misleading information.

Bias Detector is rooted in the principles of Universal Dialectics and offers a unique approach to identifying biases and synthesizing diverse viewpoints. It opens pathways for introspection, conflict resolution, and cooperative reasoning.

How it works

Dialectical bias is directly related to what we consider right and wrong, constructive and destructive, while other biases are usually related to what is considered subjective and objective, partial and impartial.

See detailed explanation and instructions

  • 1
    Textual analysis

    Bias Detector automatically identifies the main argument (thesis) and the opposing view (antithesis), in any text you choose.

  • 2
    Dialectical analysis

    It then applies our dialectical framework to assess the complementarity and balance of the main argument and the opposing view.

  • 3

    It calculates a Bias Score from 0.0 to 1.0, where a higher score means the text is more balanced and constructive.

Bias Score Interpretation
0.0 – 0.2 The text might be misleading or overly negative
0.3 – 0.4 There’s some positivity, but it’s overshadowed by negative views
0.5 Neutral, suitable for factual content
0.6 – 0.7 Positivity starts to outweigh negativity
0.8 – 1.0 Highly constructive and balanced, focusing on positive outcomes

Always By Your Side

Whether you're reading news articles, blog posts, or social media messages, the Bias Detector browser plug-in provides real-time assessments of the content's truthfulness.

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Enter the text that you want to analyze. You can write, copy-paste, or select the text from the web page. Alternatively, you can also analyze the whole page.
Click the button "Analyze". This will identify the main argument (thesis) and the opposing view (antithesis) in any text.
As a result you will see the bias score and, insightful report, and possibilities of improving the score or challenging the author with critical questions.
Bias detector - example result
Analyze and reframe

For writers and speakers

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Bias detector - example result
Challenge and oppose

For analysts and critics

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Key Features

AI powered by dialectics

Powerful techniques from Dialexity are applied on the state-of-the-art AI models such as GPT-4 from OpenAI.

Single metric

Dialectical bias is crucial when dealing with complex issues where multiple perspectives are involved.

Long text friendly

We analyze 10k+ symbols of text in a single request. This is enough to analyze a full article or a speech.

Action driven

Reframe the input to improve the score, or challenge the author with critical and relevant questions.

“ We believe in looking at all sides of a story. Unlike traditional bias tools that focus solely on objectivity, we emphasize the importance of constructive perspectives.”