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Reframing Space

Use the Reframing Space to rewrite any text with your desired level of positivity and range of perspectives (dialecticity). For enhanced results, select specific ‘flavors’ (represented by dots on the chart) and adjust other settings like ‘Practicality”, ‘Length’ or ‘Simplicity’ for your desired output

Example of a sharply critical text. “Your note only reinforces your self-made delusions. You deflect blame, ignoring the lessons life presents. When a child’s well-being is involved, you project fears rather than offer security. Your behavior has caused irreparable harm, yet you seek pity. Until you confront your actions, there’s no path forward.”

Below are the reframed texts using only numeric coordinates, without specific “flavors” from the graph above

Two-Sided View, Analytical (x = 0.5, y = 0.5):
Your note might be a coping mechanism, but it’s essential to consider all angles. We all deflect sometimes, yet there’s much to learn. Bringing a child into this requires balance between caution and security. Actions affect everyone involved, and empathy goes both ways. Growth means facing our choices.

Harmonious, Analytical (x = 1.0, y = 0.5):
Your perspective has its reasons, and acknowledging both sides can foster harmony. All of us miss life’s teachings occasionally, yet they’re valuable. Prioritizing a child’s safety and understanding concerns can bring peace. Accepting consequences and seeking understanding can heal rifts. Togetherness is found in mutual reflection.

Two-Sided, Uplifting (x = 0.5, y = 1.0):
Your note gives insight into your feelings, and everyone has their truths. Life has its ups and downs, and every experience teaches us. Ensuring a child’s well-being is a shared priority. Every action is a chance for growth, and understanding is a bridge. Together, we can find a way ahead.

Harmonious, Uplifting (x = 1.0, y = 1.0):
Your words open a door to deeper understanding. Life, with its myriad lessons, enriches us all. In nurturing a child, both caution and assurance play roles. Embracing past actions, we can find mutual healing. Forward is the direction where unity and growth await.

Now assume that the last variant (1.0; 1.0) is actually the original which has to be downplayed to something “more realistic”:

One-Sided Pessimistic (0.0; 0.0):
Your words may lead to further confusion. Life’s challenges seem to overwhelm us. Nurturing a child is fraught with risks and uncertainties. Past actions may only bring pain. The future appears uncertain and challenging.

Two-Sided Pessimistic (0.5; 0.0):
While your words offer some insight, life’s complexities still cloud understanding. Nurturing a child requires both caution and hope. Past actions hold lessons, but also regrets. The future seems uncertain, yet possibilities might emerge.

Harmonious Pessimistic (1.0; 0.0):
Amidst life’s intricacies, your words echo with a glimmer of understanding. Nurturing a child demands both caution and hope, intertwining in a delicate balance. Past actions offer lessons that can foster mutual growth. The future, though uncertain, carries the potential for healing and unity.

Two-Sided Analytical (0.5; 0.5):
Your words encourage thoughtful consideration. Life’s tapestry weaves challenges with growth opportunities. Nurturing a child entails both caution and reassurance. Our past actions mold the path to a future that holds unity and progress, though uncertainties persist.

Further refinement can be achieved by adjusting the emphasis on either the positive or negative outcomes of the thesis and antithesis

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