A post under construction – will be ready in a day or two…
Imagine a way of uncovering the deeper meanings of any problems, statements, or words, presenting them as actionable roadmaps, that navigate you between their hidden pitfalls and rewards. Every concept has an “inner spirit” that can be unclocked by dialectic wheels (the detailed descripotion of which can be found in these links – Moral Wisdomand Dialectical Ethics)
Here we show how to generate these wheels in just few steps, and demonstrate their preciousness which makes them worth of viewing as eternal wisdom gems. These gems can be obtained by either through our store (non-existant yet) or designing yourself using our tools. In the first case you can use them as a guiding tool, while in the second case they will represent a way to self-acceptance, as they will force you to think quite deeply, in dialectical way about your central problem. If after many iterations you’ll still be unhappy, this will mean that you must stop thinking and start devoting yourself to the unclear areas practically. That’s it – the words no longer work, and only practice can be of help. That’s why they are so precious – they map both what you do and don’t know.
Simplest Wheels
The simplest wheels serve as an example how to start. Consider analyzing a word “Love”:
Scheme A shows the first 3 steps. Love (1) generates its antithesis in Indifference (2), which then transforms into Wisdom through opposition to Love’s extreme as Insanity (3). This yields the profound dynamic equilibrium: true Love requires Wisdom to avoid blind passion, while cold Indifference can be transformed into Wisdom through conscious opposition to Insanity.
Scheme B shows the complete wheel, where Love is obtained via Freedom (6), while Wisdom through Devotion (4). Downgrading Freedom to Betrayal (7 = “exaggerated freedom”) makes Wisdom to transform to Insanity rather than Love, while downgrading Devotion to Bondage (5 = “exaggerated devotion”) makes Love to transform to Indifference rather than Wisdom. These transformations indicate eternal truths that are presented as a piece of art in scheme C. The latter was generated by DALL-E, which looses some important words, yet provides good enough example of what we could obtain by using the designed templates.
Expanded Wheel
But this map shows only the “major continents” of journey. The following wheel shows a more detailed map of love’s evolution and devolution, depending direction of transformations. Clockwise transformations show the path to eternal Love, counterclockwise – to disintegration.
The diagonal connections are key – they create the centripetal force when followed clockwise, uniting all virtues into higher consciousness. But when reversed, these same diagonals become paths of disintegration, each forced reversal creating shadow aspects that spin outward through centrifugal force.
Abstract Essence
The following examples were obtained with Midjourney for a starting thesis T = Peace:
These are not maps but rather visualizations of some abstract essence of concept.
More abstract
Here are examples of hand-dran illustrations of the Leibniz Pattern’s wheels. The following wheel illustrates the world’s creation in 7 days:
The following wheel illustrates the dialectical relations among the binary codes of the numbers from 0 to 7. An artist represented these relations as two butterfies mirroring each other in the “net of rational analysis”
Dialectic wheels can be presented as both accurate maps and abstract pictures reflecting essence of a given concept.See also: