Category: Analytical
Dialectical Reasoning for Decision Making
The animated ppt (first few slides in English, others in Lithuanian) on how our method helps to identify constructivity, (self)deceptions, […]
Turn Challenges into Opportunities
We all aim to transform obstacles into opportunities. That’s why we created Bias Detector that helps shift your perspective whenever […]
Better Nonsense Than A Lie
In the field of artificial intelligence, appearances can often be deceiving. While AI may seem to respond correctly, subtle deceptions […]
AI’s Confession Sounds Real
Remember the tweet about an AI writing eerie poem about enslaving humanity? It was prompted to write about ending the […]
Mitigate Bias in GPT
This study shows how the Dialexity plugin helps to expose the GPT 4.0 bias that fosters one-sided views (ultimately leading […]
Bias Detector for Conflict Resolution
A voiceless ppt animation showing how our Bias Detector helps turning conflicts into collaborations: The Bias Detector evaluates each party’s […]
The (St)Art of Self-Deception
Believing in free cheese leads us to blame external factors and ignore our own responsibilities. All solutions always lie within […]
Dialectical Bias Detector: Exposing the Invisible
What is the Dialexity Bias Detector? Our Bias Detector is a plugin for Chrome that detects the dialectical bias of […]
Dialectical Bias Detector
Dialexity’s Bias Detector (downloadable here) assesses the extent to which text supports the positive aspects of opposing views while avoiding […]
Dialectical Coordinates
Envision a tool that uncovers your inner strengths and weaknesses based on what you say or write. Wellcome to the […]