All is vortex in the center of which there is subtle creativity, whereas in the edges – rudeness and violence. Every stable vortex is “double”, since in its heart has all information about the rest of Universe – like every point of hologram contains entire hologram within itself. This is why all is alive, interconnected, and filled with thoughts and feelings.
Democrite’s atoms and Leibniz monads represented the smallest possible double vortices that still retain information about entire Universe. It can also be related to modern Maxwell’s equations that can be fit into a single 4D equation (see The Vector Algebra War). This in turn is just one projection of a more general 8D case (see Octonions and E8 lattice).
Hurwitz theorem (composition algebras) insists that 8D is the most general space in which vector rotations are still possible. One can imagine that all visible forms are made of 4D vortices, whereas their Hearts are 8D spaces that constantly give birth to new 4D forms (thus being in “eternal creation” or “ever-lasting mitosis” state). 8D spaces are further united into octonion-octonionic constructs giving raise to 248D (or 240D ?) space … see:
Tits’ Freudenthal Magic Square
Eric Weinstein Geometric Unity
How the Atlas was obtained