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Soul as an Apple

One may fall in love with any beauty, but fall in love forever – only with Living Soul

Human Soul is like a Universe, consisting of multiple layers and creatures. For the sake of simplicity multiple layers can be compared to an onion, whereas each particular layer – to an apple. Apple’s skin is made of the rudest qualities and emotions (marked in red) that protect inside from the outer dangers. Apple’s inside is made of softer (white) qualities and feelings that support creativity and nurture the Heart. The Heart is made of the most subtle (yellow) energies, that are too gentle to be described in usual words. They compose the most beautiful dreams and values for which (and owing to which) we all live. Between the red and white layers there is “neutral” (grey) layer resembling the underskin fat: it protects us from the cold of outside and accumulates toxic waste from inside. Grey feelings ensure “autonomic functioning” independently of Heart, thus creating a sense of “convenient indifference”. They are like paved road, which is comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

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