The following results were obtained from the Family vs. Work dilemma description.

MBTI plots suggest enhancing ‘Judgment’ and ‘Extroversion’ while diminishing ‘Perception’ and ‘Introversion’. The green patterns represent current traits, aligning with ISFJ (Defender), whereas the red patterns depict the aspirational traits, leaning towards ENTJ (Commander). Yet these alignments are not exact.
The ‘Rigid’ plot is grounded on the conservation law applied to opposing traits, such as the inverse relationship between extraversion and introversion. This facilitates the comparison to classical types, but does not foster the desired transformations.
The ‘Flexible’ plot assumes dialectical synthesis, suggesting higher cumulative expressions of opposing elements (denoted as P1 + P2 > 1). Both the current (green) and the target (red) patterns share similar summative values, yet the latter is more balanced and centered. A common approach recommends a rightward shift of the green region; however, the practical realization of this advice remains challenging. Leveraging the inherent circular causality in the axes permits a seamless transition between adjacent traits, a principle illustrated by the bold red arrows. This initiates a sequential transformation, steering excess ‘Turbulence’ towards ‘Perception’ and ‘Introversion’ to ‘Sensing’, potentially leading to subsequent beneficial alterations.
The third plot delineates the interrelation between character traits and emotions. Here, a ‘rightward shift’ symbolizes the preference for traits outlined by the solid line, like discipline and coolness, over those described by the dashed line, including creativity and competence. Rather than a process of ‘favoring and suppressing’, the clockwise rotation indicates a transition towards ‘higher proactiveness’. Surplus creativity evolves into coolness, and pronounced conservatism migrates towards discipline, through a series of circular transformations.

In the DiSC plot, the recommendation is to up the Dominance and Influence while dialing down on caution and reservation. Specifically:
Boost Dominance to 0.6 for decisive career choices, Directness to 0.6 for clear communication, Competitiveness to 0.5 to chase the best roles, and focus on Results by raising it to 0.7. Become more Task-Oriented, pushing it to 0.8 for balancing work and home. Meanwhile, tone down Cautiousness to 0.5 to avoid over-hesitating and Contemplation to 0.5 to prevent overthinking. Increase Accuracy to 0.7 for proper job assessment, but decrease Compliance to 0.5 and Reservation to 0.6 for better terms and social growth. Keep Modesty at 0.6, Patience at 0.7, and maintain Steadiness at 0.7 for work-home harmony. Stick to Sincerity at 0.7, be more People-Oriented at 0.6, Optimistic at 0.7, Enthusiastic at 0.6, Influential at 0.6, Friendly at 0.7, and Outgoing at 0.6 to thrive in the new job.
We can also use BIG 5, BIG 6, Positive Psychology (Seligman’s PERMA, VIA, Gallup’s CliftonStrengths, Diener’s Flourishing Scale), Enneagram, or any other coordinates that you suggest