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Guideline Compatibility

Assess the likelihood of your text aligning with a given set of rules or guidelines, whether they are established by you or  independent authors

Example: Family vs. Work situation vs. 12 Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson (in the order of  decreasing relevance):

Rule 2 (relevance 0.9). Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible for Helping: Self-care is key to a balanced life. (Compliance 0.8, required 1.0 – This would be extremely beneficial in addressing her self-doubt.)

Rule 4 (relevance 0.8). Compare Yourself to Who You Were Yesterday, Not to Who Someone Else is Today: Focus on your own personal growth. (Compliance 0.7 vs. Required 0.9 – Helps in refocusing on personal progress rather than external comparisons.)

Rule 6 (Relevance 0.8). Set Your House in Perfect Order Before You Criticize the World: Focus on your own life before criticizing others. (0.8 vs. 0.9 – Addressing personal issues and stability can help her make clearer decisions.)

Rule 7 (relevance 0.7). Pursue What is Meaningful (Not What is Expedient): Aim for long-term success and fulfillment, rather than short-term convenience. Very Important! 0.5 vs. 0.9 – Prioritizing meaningful work could be a deciding factor for her.

Rule 9 (relevance 0.6). Assume That the Person You Are Listening to Might Know Something You Don’t: Everyone has something to teach you. 0.4 vs. 0.7 – Listening to others can give her insights and clarity.

Rule 1 (relevance 0.5). Stand Up Straight with Your Shoulders Back: It is important to show confidence and strength. Very Important! 0.3 vs. 0.8 – It’s essential for the wife to build confidence.

Rule 8 (relevance o.5) Tell the Truth—Or, At Least, Don’t Lie: Honesty is the cornerstone of a good life. 0.5 vs. 0.7 – Being honest with herself and others can clarify her intentions and needs.

Rule 10 (relevance 0.5) Be Precise in Your Speech: Clear communication is essential. 0.4 vs. 0.6 – Clearly expressing her concerns and thoughts could be beneficial.

Rule 3 (relevance 0.4) Make Friends with People Who Want the Best for You: Surround yourself with positive influences. (0.3 vs. 0.6 – Surrounding herself with positive influences might bolster her confidence.

Rule 5 (relevance 0.2) Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them: Guide your children in a way that makes you proud. 0.3 vs. 0.4 – Relevant for her child’s upbringing but less so for her immediate dilemma.

Rule 11 (relevance 0.2) Do Not Bother Children When They are Skateboarding: Allow individuals, especially children, to explore and learn from their experiences. 0.2 vs. 0.3 – Not directly relevant to her work-home dilemma.

Rule 12 (relevance 0.1) Pet a Cat When You Encounter One on the Street: Appreciate the small, simple joys in life. 0.2 vs. 0.2 – While finding joy is important, this rule is not directly applicable.

Examples of other similar rules:

18 rules of life by Dalai Lama
11 rules by Nassim Taleb,
top 10 rules by Charlie Munger,

Suggest other rules or upload your own in the comments window below!

Who would use:

Individuals seeking advice from prominent thinkers

Writers, marketers, or public speakers to ensure their messages are in line with specific sets of principles

Companies to assess the alignment of their internal communications, policies, or public statements with their stated values

Educators to analyze students’ work in terms of alignment with critical thinking standards or specific philosophical perspectives

Mediators or counselors to assess the positions of parties in a dispute, helping to identify potential paths towards compromise

Policy makers or analysts to check how proposed policies align with certain fundamental principles

Individuals or organizations to check adherence to their custom principles

Mental Health and Self-reflection:

Therapists or individuals could use the tool to reflect on personal thoughts or journal entries, potentially uncovering deep-seated beliefs or patterns of thinking that might be addressed in personal growth or therapy.

These applications allow users to not just passively consume the guidelines of various thinkers, but actively engage with, assess, and apply these principles in various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

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