A self-help and decision-making app that suggests your potential inclinations and success stories based on a multi-level self-analysis routine. The app prompts users to make choices by selecting pictures, theses, and dichotomies, and then uses either psychological associations or AI to generate results.

- Select simple feelings, words or pictures that resonate with you – see the 1st screen in the picture on the right. Tap an icon to pick it. Hold it down to see more options of similar “feelings” (that may have different temperamental meanings).
- Every choice is associated with character traits, so at any moment you can view your current inclinations, behavioral patterns, and potential “boosters of success” (see the 2nd screen on the right).
- It also suggests how to fix your emotional and habitual imbalances, using dialectic wheels of feelings and characters
- Level 2 allows you to choose wise statements (from a random list) that can characterize your inner world more accurately than simple words.
- Levels 3 and higher offer selecting dichotomies from the Dialectical Game. Although this game involves multiple steps, at any time you can stop and view the AI depictions of your “inner world”.
- Also view the AI generated mantras and stories. Although trivial, they reflect your “deeper mission”, that can fuel your inner growth.
- Identify the most important “checkpoints” and write them down on your calendar. See the self-control and growth apps on how this could be done (Compare to the descriptions of Dialectical App and Mood Tracking / Boosting App)
- Unlike other Self-Help Apps, it provides you with dialectical decision-making method. And unlike other Decision-Making Apps, it calls for realizing your deeper mission and making its realization the top priority, no matter what.
- “If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another. The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.” (Deepak Chopra)
- Therefore, no matter what dilemmas you face, it always comes to the same question: What is your mission?
- This app promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, personal growth, resilience, empathy, understanding, creativity, cooperation and communication
- It can have a huge impact on society, by reducing self-destruction, confrontation, formal view of the world, radicalism, extremism, materialism, nihilism, apathy, exploitation, corruption, inequality and wars
- All our problems begin with the denial of the Comparability of Good and Bad. Even the worst things are “good” in that they encourage us to stay away from them. Even the best things are “bad” in that they are fragile and need to be taken care of. Both encourage self-discipline and inner growth, respect for any form of life and contempt for any form of lies and propaganda.
- A society that lives by dialectics is immune from most of today’s problems. Everyone minds his own business, focuses on his inner world and external complementarity, and no longer struggles with “either-or” dilemmas