Trust Tensions (Deeper Analysis)
The situation is described here Exemplified Steps:1) Characters, advices, inspirations2) Self-Help Mechanisms3) Guidance Maps and Probabilities4) Refined suggestions 1. Characters, […]
Examples of Self-Help Mechanisms
Below is an incomplete analysis based on a single prompt for complimentary “push-pull” mechanisms. For more detailed examples refer to […]
Trust Tensions (“Quick” Analysis)
Conflict in a family: to separate or not? She reads that he is too controlling, suffocating her with his tracking […]
Dialexity Insights
Information and Methods’ Hub for Dialexity 1) Quick Analysis: Identify existing and desired typologies with automated APIs:Trust TensionsFamily vs. WorkTo […]
“Spiral” Lila with Character Traits
The ancient Lila (Leela) game has been elevated to a new level. The spiral board allows relating each cell to […]
Wise Advisor ~ Truth Finder: Identifying Bias
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t […]
Money: Save or Invest?
When you want to invest your money, financial advisor will ask you about your goals and risk tolerance. The following […]
Hamlet: To Be or Not To Be?
Hamlet’s famous question “should I live or die?” depends on how we feel mentally and our overall point of view. […]
Divorce or Not?
The 4-step application of the Universal Dialectic in Conflict Resolution to solve the following dilemma: Divorce or Not? 1. Pros […]
AI suggested synthesis of traits
Chat-GPT answer to the following question: “what are the most likely results of synthesis among the following traits: 1) Motivated, 2) […]