Tag: Character traits
Character Profiling
The following results were obtained from the Family vs. Work dilemma description. MBTI plots suggest enhancing ‘Judgment’ and ‘Extroversion’ while diminishing […]
AI suggested synthesis of traits
Chat-GPT answer to the following question: “what are the most likely results of synthesis among the following traits: 1) Motivated, 2) […]
“Multilevel App”
A self-help and decision-making app that suggests your potential inclinations and success stories based on a multi-level self-analysis routine. The […]
Dialectic Cards for basic self-analysis
Examples of dialectical cards for the basic self-analysis, in 3 different languages (English, Lithuanian, Russian). See the Dialectical Board Game […]
Character Traits from Words
Every word can be related to character traits, like in the latest Atlas version (see the cells’ coordinates with the […]
Global Wisdom Network
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t […]
Atlas of Feelings & Character Qualities
Presented is the Interactive Atlas of Feelings. The Plutchik‘s wheel was converted into the „vortex“ model, whereby the most gentle […]