Here is an idea of creating an “AI philosophy” discussion group that would look “beyond the surface”. Anyone interested please suggest your topics. Moderators welcome! My initial thoughts below

1. AI as a Threat to Humanity
- The Nature of AI – how does it compare to aliens, the Matrix movie, God, and humans? See Philosophy of AI. Consider warnings of Yuval Noah Harari and recall that by definition AI is radically anti-human. Also this: AI is forcing to face our shadows
- What’s the single biggest threat? (To me – the thought control, a very slow but comprehensive replacement of our independent thinking with “smooth indoctrinations”: boiling frog alive)
- What are the solutions beyond the “mere AI reguations”? Identify how and when it manipulates us, develop counter-strategies, possibly involving new AI
- How can AI advance Humanity and Humanism in general? First, what is humanity and humanism? I like the definition of Yuval Noah Harari, equating the Humanism to creation of higher meanings. How can AI help here?
- How grounded are these Sam Altman’s AI Visions?
- Detecting Lies and Opportunities, Expanding / Elevating Consciousness (below)
- How else can AI help to free us from the “bureaucratic” and hypocritical thinking?
2. Detecting Lies and Manipulations
- How to classify various Lies and Manipulations?
- Who deceives whom: (a) self-deceptions, (b) one another, (c) governments and interest groups, (c) AI deceives humans, which it itself calls “errors and limitations”
- By the level of deception, e.g. factual, semantic, conceptual, existential…
- By the frequency and severity of fallacy types or combinations, e.g. “In theory, science will make us all happier, so you should listen to scientists, especially when they come to consensus”
- How to detect Lies and Manipulations?
- The “superficial way” refers to fact-checking. Yet, facts can often deceive, while trends always reveal. What types of trends can AI identify?
- InfraNodus way – Eco-Thinking and Research Framework
- Dialectical way – through complementarity of inner concepts – see “Dialectical Lie Detector“, “Gateway coordinates“, “analysis of polarizations“
- How to Spot a Cheater?
- E.g., when somebody uses AI while pretending to be authentic, what trends to watch beyond the style and errors?
- Types of the mindset, character, reasoning, dialectic associations patterns
3. Resolving Conflicts
- Conflicts can be internal and external. We all flourish when united and suffer when separated. How can AI help to turn cognitive dissonance into consonance, adversaries into allies, “divide and conquer” into “unite and set free”?
- InfraNodus Eco-Thinking and Research Framework
- “Dispute Solver” and “Dissonance Identifier” (mid-bottom on this page)
4. Useful Analogies and Associations
- Case Based Reasoning, e.g., compiling indications of various deceptions and manipulations, or strategies for conflict resolutions
- Artificial Wisdom
- What is wisdom and how to measure it? Wisdom databases
- Limitations of Analytic Philosophy and Universal Dialectic, extensions to the real life
- How grounded are these Sam Altman’s AI Visions?
- Advancing personal growth
- through ‘typological’ associations like in the ‘Detailed Diagnostic’ in, as well as Emotion Profiling, Character Trait and Mindset Mappings, that promise “the easiest transformations”
- identifying the “awakening” associatios that would “ring the bell” for typical laymen and/or those in “self-help” groups
- identifying deeper associations causing dissonace (see here and here)
- interpreting brainwaves (“cyber-psychology”- e.g. Meta Just Achieved Mind-Reading Using AI)
- Advancing science and morality through analogical reasoning that enlighten our consciousness.
- The major goal of science in not so much in acquiring new data, but rather in finding more elegant explanations of the well-known facts that inspire our self-awareness. This means basically merging science with mystcism – how can AI be useful here?
- Verification of hypotheses through better natural analogies.
- Identifying false analogies (e.g. GPT 4 compares “herd immunity” to the “dense forest protecting itself from wildfire”, a highly questionable move)
- Exposing dogmatism by showing that everything but our convictions change (Banned Rupert Sheldrake talk)
- Uncovering the sacred meanings of what we take for granted. For instance, Cosmic Microwave Background can be associated with the living body’s radiation, meaning that the empty space is a Sacred Body of a Living Universe. See also Algebra and Panpsychism and Miracles of Dialectics
- Direct implications on morality – see Moral Wisdom from Dialectics. Awakening from cynical materialism
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Philosophy of AI
Philosopher AI
AI for Humanists
Humanistic AI
Value Driven AI
Philosophy Chatbots